Opinion & Commentary

Looking at America today, do you think this is what the founders had in mind? How would they view our nation now? How do you view it? What grade would you give America, from A to F? [Photo by John Bakator on Unsplash]
Opinion & Commentary
Looking at America today, do you think this is what the founders had in mind? How would they view our nation now? How do you view it? What grade would you give America, from A to F? [Photo by John Bakator on Unsplash]
Staring through eyes of stone at the republic
oh, for which it stands
one nation like a burning stick
a stick that is almost snuffed out
George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
John Jay
John Adams
James Madison
And more
We have monuments
To honor these people
A musical for one
A statue for another
How do I see the world? I see a lot of bad things. That’s what the news likes to show us. There’s war, poverty, hunger, death, school shootings, plane crashes, and of course the looming threat of climate change.