
Opinion & Commentary

Peace sign against black background


What does peace look like? Paint a picture in words. Describe it in vivid terms so your reader feels it and sees it.

[Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash]


  • Peace

    Peace looks like a quiet meadow on a sunny day, where the grass sways gently in the breeze and flowers bloom in vibrant colors. Birds sing joyfully in the sky, and the only sound is the soft rustling of leaves in the trees.

  • Peace

    I think peace looks like:  

    driving on the highway from College Park  

    listening to “White Ferrari” 

    by Frank Ocean 

  • ☮️

    A circle and three lines

    Put everywhere the sun can shine

    Left and right, big or small,

    Short little houses and buildings tall

    We know the symbol, we’ve known it for long

    But do we really know its sweet song?

  • Floating

    Eyes closed

    Deep breaths

    Fresh, cool air

    a slight breeze

    you sit up

    open your eyes

    surrounded by happy people

    dancing on clouds


    of every color

    every shape and size

  • At Peace

    It was a few days ago,

    I was walking


    in the cold,

    (not lonely, not cold),

    and I realized

    That I

    was at peace

    with myself,

    with everyone else

    with the world.