Sick Day

For me there is no greater frustration in the world 

Than being sick. 

It's a hindrance to your life. 

It gets in the way. 

Whether a cold, a fever 

Strep throat or even COVID 

I hate it. 

Colds are the worst 

Because they last longer. 

I am still recovering from one that started a week ago.

Being sick

Is so frustrating to me

Because it means you have to admit

That life got you down

And you have to take a day to rest

To lounge around on the couch, watching TV

To fall behind in all your classes and miss your friends

To be stuck, sitting there, when you could be elsewhere

Doing something.

I hate it because I can't stop thinking about what I should be doing.

9:30. Spanish.

12:00. Math.

1:00. Lunch.

1:45. Heading to Band.

But I'm stuck with my tissues on my bed, moping,

Feeling sorry for myself.

I hate being unproductive.

My life is movement and so am I.

I need to get stuff done or I go crazy.

So, when it's 3:00

And I know school's let out

And my sick day comes to a close

I am relieved

And hope that I am magically better the next day

Which, of course,

I never am.



13 years old

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