
Comment Commented on Posted

I love how the focus stays on the sparkler, with the contrast from the trees and sky behind it. The sparks coming off remind me of dandelion seeds!

Sparkle 2 months ago

I agree, thanks!

Tiny Write by LongBilledCurlew, June 23 2024 2 months ago

Great answers to a great question! Find out the requirements for publishing your work. If a publication requires that your piece or pieces not be published elsewhere, we can help you "unpublish" on the YWP site. Just email or message Reid@YWP. Note that unpublishing applies to material on our website, including The Voice, but not our annual anthologies, which are printed books. 

The Terms and Conditions that are part of our account signup go into a lot of detail about copyright, but in summary, "YWP retains copyrights to publish your work, but you retain the commercial copyrights to do anything you wish with your piece forever." So YWP has the right to publish your work on our website and anthology and with our third-party media partners and publications, but your work belongs to you. 

I hope this helps answer your question!

Tiny Write by Fainting Goat, July 5 2024 2 months ago

I'm just commenting here because I've been having the same question and would like to see the responses- I think if you're using a publishing company you'd have to tell them they are published online. It also might be a good idea to email YWP before doing anything, but I really have no idea

Tiny Write by Fainting Goat, July 5 2024 2 months ago

Thank you!! This means everything, especially with the writers block I'm feeling rn lol

Tiny Write by AbbyG, June 24 2024 2 months ago

Thank you!

Swingset 2 months ago

Thanks! I know, they are a bit of a contradiction.

Explode 2 months ago

Thanks! I also totally find myself guilty of capturing the moment with a camera instead of enjoying it in the moment, and I think it’s always a good reminder to be here, now. 

How we view the world now 2 months ago

yay someone who feels the same as me about jkr and isn't like 'oh but her books are so good she can't be that bad' LOOK AT WHAT SHE HAS SAID ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE IDIOTS

you should read 'Shit, Actually' by Lindy West it's a bunch of hilarious essays taking down some famous movies the Harry Potter one is super good and vicious (she points out the INFINITE number of plot holes jkr has created)!

Book Club post by _Asa_, June 24 2024 2 months ago

I am not an expert and do not know the semantics on this, so feel free not to trust me, but I think it might vary depending on who you're publishing with or if you're self-publishing. I would probably inquire with the company before doing anything.

Tiny Write by Fainting Goat, July 5 2024 2 months ago