
Comment Commented on Posted

I may not be in middle school, but this is extremely relatable! It's a feeling that never quite goes away, that feeling of time slipping through your fingers, ever-faster the older you get, but it does get a little easier to manage. I think summer, the time for more free TIME, may surprise you with what it has to offer! 

More Time 2 months ago

I hear your concerns, and want to validate them. There's a lot that the older generations have done and are currently doing to muck up the world for young people, when it comes to climate change, wars overseas, etc. But we can't lose hope! There is still so much to live for and to strive for, if we can remember to look for it. (Or at least there's always love, in any case -- love for our friends, family, pets, and someday-partners.)

Perilous Future 2 months ago

You are SO welcome!

Kai 2 months ago


Dreaming 2 months ago


Kai 2 months ago

This is a great poem!

Dreaming 2 months ago

Great poem!

The Storm's Eye 2 months ago


His Majesty 2 months ago

I love this!

Kai 2 months ago

You capture something really interesting about monarchy here! While there is a lot of negative things to say about social convention, it does provide people with a script! And having a script can help keep the peace! 

His Majesty 2 months ago