
  • Trust

    Her shoulders sag from weary losses

    Feet trudge forth with groaning sadness

    And so it is when ‘mong the hoaxes

    Truth jumps up with jaunty coaxes

  • lonely thoughts

    I run to the forest, 

    The colors remind me

    Of the color my eyes aren't. 


    Your screams are still in my ears,

    They still echo

    Against the blank canvas out here. 


  • Moderation

    To live is to die

    To laugh is to know what it feels like to cry

    To try is to fail

    To have friends is to have enemies as well

    The good does not stand alone

    But neither does bad

    There is no ying without yang

  • Strangers


    are the closest companions. 

    You take a shot 

    and I let it go.  

    You say I’m pretty 

    and I let it go. 

  • Camp

    Summer is delirious days

    we are packed

    on a bus

    for days of adventures

    mountain biking

    then swimming.


    We will jump off cliffs

    into rivers

    flip-flopping through the air

  • Star

    I’m a star

    I’ll travel millions of miles

    Just to see you

    Just to give you a little light

    A little hope in this hopeless world


    One day

    I’ll be an asteroid

    And I’ll fall from the sky

  • Today

    Tomorrow is the day we don’t know. 

    Yesterday was the day we can’t fix. 

    But what is today? 


    Today is the future of yesterday. 

  • Waves

    Let the waves engulf you, 

    Let them take you away. 


    Forget about the life you have, 

    Forget about the struggle you face.