
It seems a bit strange, in retrospect, how we have one day to celebrate the passing of a year; as if that day could encompass all of the things you have done in those 12 months; as though you are really any older than you would be with the passing of any other day, any wiser from the advance of one day before than whatever comes within 24 hours, and how the perspective of someone you’ve introduced yourself to will change if you do it just a day later.
What we make it about — the gifts, the celebration, the sort of joy — becomes less and less memorable (is that the right word?), becomes less and less of something that seems worth commemoration, when you have lived thousands of days that could have been just the same. And to mark time as something linear is its own strange concept in itself. I feel as though the older I am, the more it’s the moments that stick, the memories, that really mark its passage. Perhaps that is why we are so insistent on making our birthdays special — to make the way the mind says years pass consistent with the way the world does. Not to say that it’s a bad thing; often it’s the only way to stay sane.
But I think for me, at the root of it, a lot of its purpose is to remind me of all I have and where I am, to remind me of time's journey – that no matter how days drag, time does keep moving on, and to stay stuck in the past will only make you lose time in the present and the future, which will come sooner than you think.
I’m not sure.
I have so much to learn ...
… Happy birthday to me, I guess.
The Voice
October 2023
instructions on growing up
If you wrap your hand around your mother's wrist your fingers will touch. How do you come to terms with that? How do you learn that your father's shoulders can no longer bear your weight, can barely h...
A Glimmering Pool of Inspiration
A bubble of light rests atop the water,Glimmering and glinting across the lake.It’s a pocket of sunshine,A pillow of glowing hope,A pool of life.Within my mind, a light bulb flickers on,Slowly growing...
Life's painting
I yearn to see this life as a painting.I want to see the colors that are mixed in, The colors I have not yet seen,The colors that would spiral into blackness, Textures that would bellow for help When ...
My Childhood Home
My childhood home is filled with plants,plants that we never waterbut are somehow still alive.Its island is littered with junk mail,different types of olive oil,stray flakes of salt,and packages of wi...
An Afternoon Moon
Somewhere outside of Philadelphia,there is a small island in a pond shaped like a boomerang.When I tilt my chin to the heavens,I wonder which foolish godthrew it to this barren part of earth?I sarcast...
Conversations with a violin
Strings speak to me as no other does,but not with words,not in a world that is riddenwith so many words.When I was youngit wasugh... practice,but now'let's go chat for a bit'me and my violin. I can te...
A Forever of Tomorrows
Never forget this moment my child, the moment you began to feel, The moment you first felt alive. It was night, And you felt the burden of the world on your shoulders, But the horizon at your fingert...
Your pain can grow flowersRising up from the groundStrong and beautifulA million tiny heartbreaksIn every petal
It seems a bit strange, in retrospect, how we have one day to celebrate the passing of a year; as if that day could encompass all of the things you have done in those 12 months; as though you are real...
Our translation
1; We are born into this love, this idea of love. It is what begins to form us, much like spring with budding leaves ...2; We start to grow up and we number our years, count down the days for moments ...
The Silence Market
In a world where every digital breakthrough to age-old traditions stood as symbols of our progression, it wasn’t the advancements themselves that captivated us, but the revolution of our words. The "W...
A Poem of Mythical Beasts
There’s a story to tell,one of dragons and queens.A story that’s as alluring as a bell —in the dead of night, when all is not what it seems.When the stars align, showing the way of the earth,allowing ...
This is what I know to be undeniably true: 1. No matter how much I wait or how much help I receive I still have to save myself.2. Nobody will ever truly know me as well as I do.3. The memory those ha...
The Start of a Change
Why should anyone alive today actually care about climate change? This is a sentiment held by many people, even if they do not realize it. The vast majority of people are aware that it is happening, a...
event horizon
event horizon–boundary of a black hole beyond which not even light can escape–a point of no return so imagine, my dear, a color that is not a color that is colorless, if you will, because a void is wh...