


15 years old



  • Nine Lives

    If I had nine lives, I would spend the first one jumping from a tall mountain, the wind in my hair, and filling my lungs, the full feeling of freedom. After that, maybe I'd find peace and wouldn’t fear the mountains.

  • I Notice

    They don't think I notice

    They don't think I notice how stingy we're becoming:

    They don't think I notice the reluctance to use the propane heat.

    They don't think I notice how cold it is when I crawl out of bed every morning.

  • My Faith

    I’ve never been religious much —

    My Faith is in the trees.

    The sort of Lord I worship flies among the Bumblebees.

    And my idea of Heaven is buried ‘neath Her leaves —

  • Mundane

    a lesbian couple on my bus home from school 

    a man in a punk battle jacket on the street 

    my mother's female CEO group chat blowing up 

    four of my teachers taking the following day off