Summer things
Summer, here at last.
Long days, sunlight,
Mosquito bites and beaver dams.Maple creemees, flower gardens,
camping and swimming, under the summer sun. -
Summertime: Long days, bright sun,
the smell of sunscreen and bug spray
and clouds of mosquitoes
while we're hiking in the trees.And then!
Waning Moon, Fleeing Soul
The moon is waning,
slipping away into the night,much like my mind.
As I run over boulders and logs and grass and hills and trees and rivers and —
To improvise or make up on the spot.I often find that I am an avid extemporizer,
Stuck in joking conversation:
I extemporize. -
Summer stars
nearly beginning of summerto celebrate, I wear fishnet tights with stars and moons,
a NASA t-shirt,
and a moon necklacenew season of summer, fast approaching
listening to the sweet call of a flute
Music is so ancient.
It's so odd to think that
The sweet lilting of the flute,
Played through my speakers, read from a CD-
Could be so close to the sound of reed pipes!-
Played by children dancing in the forest.
Dear Citizens of the World
Dear Citizens of the World, there are so many issues, every direction you look, every person you talk to, they have their issue, animal abuse or cancer or fair treatment of farm workers.
My Road
I live on Garey Road in Thetford, Vermont. It's a dirt road, and it has a dead end, which isn't too common around here. The road has another road coming off of it called Apple Tree Road, which is also dirt, and also a dead end.
Gracefully, like a dove in the sky
I am less than a year away from 18
Those two numbers loom large in the back of my mind
All my life I have wanted to go back in time
When I was carefree and could play with dolls all-day