Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • My Love

    It’s comparable to a genius fleeting thought
    That wiggled its way into one ear 
    Then out the other- then gets lost in the void 
    Between what I ate for breakfast 
    And if I took my medication.
  • Ode to my first

    She was always my favorite –

    I’ve heard people say your first love is when
    Your brain flings out of the stratosphere,
    And you hallucinate hearts dancing around
    Her body, singing a joyous tune in 
  • Butterfly Effect

    But it takes a moment to realize
    Ultimately, it could have never happened.
    The second I chose to hide away in
    The bathroom late at night when I was 
    Exhausted from having a 
    Ripped to pieces personality- a
  • My Protectors Plea

    You are starting to learn the difference now.
    Between delusion and misguided hope.
    Delusion was believing being dismissive
    Of a tortured body was a better gift
    Than having to see where the handprints stayed.
  • Intoxication

    I am fatally allergic to pollen-
    But for you, my virulent flower, 
    I will inhale each baneful minute scent.
    I will adore every dwindling moment of it.
    When you beckon I will return for the reminiscence
  • Just Another Thought

    I may not be running out of time-
    But I'm running out of shelf space
    to keep all of these thoughts.
    The weight limit has passed the last pound.
    The memory of imagination can
    go in the trash to be burned- can't it?