


13 years old


  • Field

    The dark clouds rolled
    Letting a sliver of sunlight in 
    Creating a gold illusion 

    The oak tree in the distance
    Watching over the field
    Standing strong and bold 

    The green grass glowed 
  • Night

    Green eyes glowing
    I stand proud
    My silhouette bold

    From atop my rail
    I watch the moon rise and set
    On a magenta night

    Down in the hills 
    There’s an orange horizon 
  • The House on Maple Street

    I always wondered what was inside the house on maple street
    all rickety and old
    One day I went in 

    The floorboards creaked under my feet 
    My shadow danced upon the wall
    The lights flickered in and out 
  • Caught

    I hadn’t thought I would fly
    I hadn’t thought I would find myself here
    caught in a spiders web

    I dreamed of letting go
    when I finally did
    I found my self trapped

    I heard stories of these webs
  • Blooming Rose

    I pull the water in from the moist soil
    sucking it up with all my might
    and then wait for the magic to happen

    It comes every year
    every flowers favorite time
    spring, the time when we bloom

    Now that time has come
  • Forest

    I am
    a guardian of the glade
    a protector of the forest

    I watch these woods
    like my ancestors have done
    for years before me

    I've watched over these lands 
    in wind, ice, and snow
    all for the forest 
