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I like baking cookies because I find they are comforting in times of worry or dismay. I am a lover of bacon but sometimes I dislike how long the salty scent of bacon lingers and clings to every particle around. Maybe that's just me.

Tiny Write by enoki, August 25 2023 1 year ago

Wow, this is brilliant. Such a fascinating premise. Kind of reminds me of the transformation of literature (both the good and bad consequences of that transformation) when we started valuing conciseness in our prose.  

The Silence Market 1 year ago

The semi-circle of these trees makes for an interesting shape. And as broody as that sky is... that lavender-gray is actually what I consider to be my favorite color!

Tree Vignette 1 year ago

I agree with The Lone Cat! The imagery is sunny and lovely, and this poem just tinkles! 

A Pathway of Hope 1 year ago

You speak of a flame, a blaze, embers, but even if your words weren't so directly tied to fire, I would still feel the warmth of this poem. It reads as a great awakening, but it is also wonderfully ambiguous: You could be discovering a great creative passion, here, or falling in love, or finding a true sense of identity or purpose for the first time. Or all of the above!

A Burning Soul 1 year ago

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! This was my first post after a full summer off, so I appreciate the feedback!

Eavesdropping 1 year ago

I love the pretty simplicity of your poem, the imagery is so relaxing to read! 

A Pathway of Hope 1 year ago

I love pineapple on pizza! Especially with pickled jalapeños. But I could just be an uncouth west coaster :) 

Tiny Write by Amelia_v, August 18 2023 1 year ago

YES! every time I listen to Leonard Cohen. 

Tiny Write by Writer1326, August 24 2023 1 year ago

This is just a random factoid... I don't really write lyrics, so I'm not a great person to awnser this question... but in the classical world, the words for poem and song were often the same, and most poetry was sung or at least chanted! So the connection between the two goes back a long way... though  think it's a lot more difficult to put free verse to music. 

Tiny Write by Writer1326, August 30 2023 1 year ago