
Comment Commented on Posted

You've added a ray of sunshine to such a dark topic, made it palatable and less frightening. Without being morbid -- and I hope that this isn't -- I think that no matter our age, we should all have a plan for ourselves. I know that my own provides me a degree of comfort: A few years ago I filled out the paperwork that'll have me sent to the Forensic Anthropology Center at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, where my remains will be laid out in the great outdoors and studied over time. That research is used to help solve murder cases down the road. How cool is that? How strangely yet so understandably diverse our own last wishes can be! But I digress. You've written about your own plans with such gentle wonderment and respect for the natural world that I was left with such a peaceful feeling at their end, and the sense that you intend for the circle of life to make its full turn. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us internet strangers!

Heaven and Earthworms 5 months ago

"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Goldfinch" is this week's featured poem on, up now in their Life & Culture section. Check it out here, where a new piece is posted every Sunday!

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Goldfinch 5 months ago

I did, I laughed out loud!

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Goldfinch 5 months ago

Whenever you can, just write down sentence "scraps" that will drive your new works

Tiny Write by Writer1326, March 23 2024 5 months ago

WOW! I just realized how you separated each line with different emotions: creation vs. destruction, light vs. dark . . . What a beautiful poetic structure!

Elements 5 months ago

Oh, how I love her Poem-- and your interpretation! Your wisdom inspires me. How you hold two truths: There are times when we must bound, leap, and laugh, yet also confine ourselves to the earth Iris was born to sketch. 

The Jump 5 months ago

Using challenges, prompts, or random word generators helps me 

Tiny Write by Writer1326, March 23 2024 5 months ago

This is such a creative idea! How’d you make it happen?

Mirror of Erised 5 months ago

My heart flutters, 

My hands shake,

My mind is cluttered 

And my face breaks.


But you make it better

Little by little, bit by bit,

Any day with you I forget her 

Even in a dark room, with you, I'd sit.


You are my world,

And everything in it.

Not from a potion swirled

But by your own choice.


And I know the world doesn't rhyme,

And the sky isn't blue.

But with you I'd spend all my time,

And know my love is really true.


for my girlfriend, who gets me roses 5 months ago

Thank you so much!

eclipse 5 months ago