Generation Undecided

Generation Undecided

Maybe we're the ones 

who grew up on our iPads then 

our phones, 

the ones who teach our teachers 

how to use their screens,  

the ones 

who know each other's lives through filters 

and think we know each other 

just the same. 


Maybe we're the ones 

who can't be in crowds without 

thinking about everything crawling all over 

you and drowning you tingling in your fingertips 

the ones who know the difference 

between Facetime and Zoom, 

the ones 

who think about every time someone smiles 

because now we can see their smiles,  

not just their eye crinkles. 


Maybe we're the ones 

who don't appreciate what we've got,  

too lazy to look up 

at the teacher 

or the stars.  

Maybe we're the kids these days 

who have it so good and don't  

get it. 


Maybe we're the ones 

who see unfair painted across life,  

the ones who stay up all night 


about how to change the world for 

the better,  

the ones who aren't afraid 

to march with signs with beliefs 

of us and them. 


Maybe we're the ones 

whose phones are the only thing we can look in the eye.  

Maybe we're the ones 

who never learned how to smile.  

Maybe we're the ones who will change things for the better,  

for our children or our child. 


Maybe you want to label it 

like that but 

I think we're all that and less and more 

and maybe she's the one who can't look at anyone 

and maybe they're the one who thinks about smiles 

and maybe he's the one who's going to change it all 

maybe we're a whole lot of people 

with a whole lot of thoughts feelings history wants needs beliefs 

maybe we're a beautiful collage of all that 

maybe we're not decided yet 

and never 

will be. 



13 years old



13 years old

The Voice

March 2025

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  • Before

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  • Girlhood (A List)

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