


11 years old



  • Sun

    Usually the sun induces my smile 

    An infectious click that erases the bad feelings of outgoing anxiety 

    But today 

    The Sun felt numb 

  • City night

    Looking from a plane, glowing

    streets, like spiraling

    spider webs


    knitted on the elder plains,

    out of hope, out of pride.

    Crossings of the intertwined veins 

  • Summer Nights

    My day is done, so I sit here,

    Under the stars, twinkling gleefully down at me

    Still, the hot summer day lingers like a sticky residue on my skin

  • Aging

    When I was four I wished for five, 

    When I’d be in Kindergarten

    When I was five I wished that preschool would come back again

    Again at six I wished to age

    At seven I wished the same