Appreciating Where Flowers Will Emerge
I trace my fingers across the grass,
the little green shards,
the silky plants tickling my skin.
It has survived the winter,
the dry brown it had become
slowly disappearing,
turning rich green from the sun. -
Getting Where I Want to Go
My sneakers hit the pavement,
The constant sound of the thwapping filling the nipping,
Early spring air.
My breath comes slow but heavy,
Before being like a soft summer breeze,
Now like a strong wind, -
An Interacting Community of Light
I stare out the plane window,
gazing at the illuminated buildings.
The clusters of orange and yellow lights,
forming the shapes of roads,
streets, and homes.
They spread out like a map,
inky darkness showing the desolate areas, -
Little Things Lighting Up Our Earth
If I were invisible,
I would spend my day searching,
searching for little things
that go unnoticed in the
busy, blaring, bonkers
chaos of life.
The little things that are small and perfect,
lighting up like stars, -
A glowing web of good deeds
Large gestures can be grand,
They can leave impressions,
Memories that won’t ever fade.
Small gestures, however,
They are what keep us going,
What get us through our days.
What keep smiles on our faces -
Golden grains of dawn
I twirl my fingers in the morning sand,
the golden grains brushing against my skin.
Day after day,
they soak up the sun's energy,
ready to heat whatever they touch.
Whenever the water rushes over them,
Five of Me
I feel sometimes I'm split in two,
Of all the things I have to do,
I must answer call from call,
And write you when you feel small,
tootsie pops
"What's your favorite flavor?"
My dad hands me an array of lollipops:
Blue, pink, purple and orange,
And I instinctively go for the orange one.
Fake Smile
Every day is the same.
I wake up and go to school.
Every day I smile a big fake smile...
I smile a big ear-to-ear fake smile that hides the truth from people...