


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Woodga Look at that!

    Woodga look at that!
    And that! Over there?
    Golden colors everywhere,
    and this time no, its not a blur
    I see each leaf and flower curve.
    And wow! See that?
    A street sign- far
    And next to that a cadilac car!

    Thank you.
    I needed that today.
    Whatever that was.
    The laugh, the tease, the game, the tea.
    I needed all of it.
    I really needed you. And you were there. 
    Don't get me wrong, you never fail to drive me crazy,
  • The First Last Time

    Please don't say this is the last time,
    Even if it is. Don't speak it.
    I've tried my best not to cry and laugh at the same time
    Of how ironic it is, that we experience the last first time only once.
  • A Good Safe Place

    Inspired by a quote from A Thousand Splendid Suns

    Oh the places I will take you that always wished to go
    Oh the wonders I will give you that you didn’t want to know,
  • This, Is Why I Write

    I write because my tongue is too tired to speak.  I write because somethings are easier to say if their shaped in ink. I write because I want to say the things that are hard to say. I write because sometimes you don't listen.
