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The fact that I woke up at 3am today and just started writing poems 😭 totally get this feeling 

Snooze 1 month ago

Oh yeah I try to break em! 

I strive to be the most unpopular, yet still likeable bc I'm a good perosn. You would think this would make respect, but I kinda just get bullied a lot. 

Tiny Write by Amelia_v, August 3 2024 1 month ago

I think I'm gonna do it. The due date I gave mytself is Halloween

Hiding 1 month ago

Yes I feel this all the time. I have an ongoing note on my phone dedicated to random lines that I think of, but they rarely go anywhere. 

Tiny Write by Writer1326, July 28 2024 1 month ago

well I am probably not the perfect person to ask about this because I never really had a big coming-out scene. I was just kind of like, oh, you know, that lady on the show is super cute, I think I might be a lesbian, that stuff? I eased it in very slowly and I know my friends who came out more literally did too and that's their advice to most people but don't do anything you think wouldn't be handled safely in your own home.

Hiding 1 month ago

Thanks for the complepments about my poem!!! 

seriously I am so scared of my family finding out but part of me would be happier if I was outed than in I came out because it minuses a lot of anxiety. 

I'm still not sure if I should because my parents are (I think) transphobic. But not homophobic?? Its complicated. 

Hiding 1 month ago

Thanks so much!

Haiku: Butterflies and Blue Skies 1 month ago

The black of the shutters against the white: The stark contrast looks amazing!

Houses from the past 1 month ago

So simple and sweet! I always think the best haikus are based on the natural world.

Haiku: Butterflies and Blue Skies 1 month ago

It's funny how some of our best ideas seem to come to us at night (if you're a certain kind of person, anyway). But you're right, you need sleep to expand on those ideas and fully realize your dreams! Rest is so important, something that cannot be stressed enough... I love that that was your ending note.

Snooze 1 month ago