

To be human is a complex web of 

emotion, of 

trial and error, of 

experience without knowing what lies ahead 

but still turning one's face towards the sun, accepting 

the burns from the UV rays and the fire they 

choose to stand in. 

to be human is truly a test of  

one's character; it doesn't matter what achievements 

hang over their desk on the wall, what matters 

is the way they carry themselves without eyes 

on their back and without their own eyes cast 

downwards, looking at where they are instead of 

where they have the potential to be. 

to be human is a gift that no one truly asked for 

yet is a gift sent by the universe herself. she 

knows that living isn't easy, but she's aware that

those who live their life to the fullest will

recognize the gift of human life for what it is.

to be human is to accept failure when faced with it,

to acknowledge suffering when it isn't your own,

to believe that no one deserves to feel untethered

to their own sense of self – floating mindlessly is 

better than floating negatively.

to be human is to feel emotion that rips the

ground out from underneath you, that chips away

at the barrier surrounding your world

until nothing is left except the pure essence of your being. 

to be human is to welcome every turn on the path of life

and to always know what help is available whenever you decide

to look around and realize 

"I'm meant for and deserving of more than i believe."



18 years old



16 years old

The Voice

July 2024

  • From The Porch

    One of my favorite pastimes is people-watching on the porch. I will have my tea or lemonade in hand, Book resting on my propped-up knees. Julia from down the street will wave and ask how I'm doing....

  • Sadie

    Sadie St. Claire stood on the top porch step, a purple backpack in her hand and a smile on her face. She looked exactly like she had six years ago: same long red hair, scattered freckles, and gray-blu...

  • Everything Fades

    The ocean is swallowing the sun. She watches it sink down, feels the rays graze her legs then slip away. Goosebumps begin to form as the darkness trails along the beach and leaves shadows instead of f...

  • Last Day of School

    I wrote this poem about a month ago, and I recited it at Fifth Grade Night on Wednesday, June 12, and just this morning at my graduation. It is very special to me because I wrote it while crying, tryi...

  • The Paper Sailboat

    Regret has many meanings, and this time I feel it strong For "love" can be the right word, and yet so very wrong. I've kept all boats tethered, left none to sail away Kept all the little memories, for...

  • Human

    To be human is a complex web of emotion, of trial and error, of experience without knowing what lies ahead but still turning one's face towards the sun, accepting the burns from the UV rays and the fi...

  • A Fork In The Road

    When you see a fork in the road what do you do? Go left? Go right? Or ruin the story by standing there and thinking about which way to go then turning around and going home? In this story we get to se...

  • Box of Memories

    You can find me inside the flower-patterned shoe box, where I hide the tokens of my memories. The birthday cards, polaroid photos, and even bottle caps represent my life and relationships. Each item c...

  • Fragile

    Spring is a blossom crushed Unbeknownst to you, in your clammy palm. It’s a season made of glass, Fragile, disintegrating Like the April showers filling Cracks in the pavement. Spring deludes you With...

  • Who I Was Isn't Who I Am

    I am a 17-year-old girl who has jumped through several hoops to get to where I am today in life. I have spent my teenage years healing the younger me. The little girl who wasn’t protected. The girl wh...

  • I Miss a Place That Doesn't Exist

    For a long time I'd have vivid dreams, bursts of REM that gave me the illusive bliss of being wherever and the closest return to the mind of a child so I'd store these treasures like real-life memo...

  • Please Remember

    "Please remember the milk from the store," that's what the note says. But it doesn't matter anyway because his mind, his memory, stays sharp as a tack. He doesn't bring the note with him to the store....

  • The Little Moments

    The little moments Are the best kind of moments Walking through the soccer field Finishing off my ice cream sandwich The wind in my face. It’s the little moments That make the day even brighter.

  • Alone But Not Lonely

    A tundra desert stretches as far as the eye can see: far away, one might glimpse a wandering soul a little fox, fur white as the snow eyes blue as the coldest mountain creek he wanders through the lan...

  • Empty Nests

    Tell me we'll be ten forever and I'll ride my scooter to your house every day, and never learn not to trip over the crack on your driveway. painting my nails every afternoon in your sunroom, the passa...

  • Watching

    I am up with the sun, an ancient plate in danger of breaking holds pancakes and fruit. I wait I watch. The earliest wakers all have dogs. Later, large gaggles of kids meander towards the bus stop whi...

  • A Slice of Summer

    The first bite of watermelon brings back the crash of the tides waves of sweet, cold sea foam spraying onto gleaming skin patted dry by sunny hours sitting on the shoreline The second bite is the bre...