High expectations
For myself
Fear of failing
Is something I will never
Each red mark
On the paper
Another mark
To myself
My confidence
My pride
The papers around me
So yea
Don’t you dare call me dramatic
Don’t you dare say I’m overreacting
I am standing by what I said
Your the problem
So yea
I had a choice
no one is ever as amazing
Every women
Every girl
Is amazing
You are amazing
You are the sun
Warming our life
Brightening our day
You are the glue
That holds us together
Keeping us safe
You're doing great
Silver arms
Silver arms
Reaching up
And yet bearing
A big middle
Covered in patterned skin
Big enough
That my arms don't
Wrap around
The course outside
The moon
Bathing me in a ghoulish glow
Brightening the dark
Staring at me
Barely disturbed
All the way up there
Floating among
The stars
Simply being
Bathing me in a ghoulish glow
I love the moon
Eldest Daughter
Backseat Driver
He was an obnoxiously smooth driver.
Do You Still ...?
Do you still find comfort
In the way the leaves change
Green to orange to red to green again?
Do your clothes still smell like apples and spices?
Do you still drink cider -
How You Made Me Fall
I stare at you, taking in all of your beauty now that you’re showing me something different
It’s cute honestly
How your cheeks get all red when I speak
There's More To Being
The mangled materials that make us are not defined by the components,
they are not defined by the ideas or the movements.
They are what they are,
pieces to create a greater whole.
Mi corazón ha formado un muro
I’m scared of love
Really, I am
I don’t know how to love
All I know is how to defend
Defend my heart
The Longest Distance
“I love you,” I tell you as I rest my head on my pillow