


14 years old


  • the good girls club

    the good girls club

    where the happy girls cry

    and the strait A students have some down time

    where the perfect act falls

    and the sad girl comes in

    for a moment or two 


  • Incomplete

    I have a long page on the notes app dedicated to my Incomplete poems

    And Google Docs full of recent Incomplete stories

    Old notebooks filled with Incomplete songs

    And yet older stories from my childhood

  • Teenage love

    I don't want alot in life

    And I know I'm really young

    But I often wish for something more

    I wish for a first love


    And I know that highschool romance 

    Is no more than cliche

  • Why is it?

    Is it the art or the artist

    That is not good enough?

    Why is it

    That I only get praised for my art online?

    Why is it

    That I only get awards 

    When the judges don't know me?

    Should I be defined

  • Firsts and lasts

    Life is made of firsts and lasts. 

    Your first breath,

    When your parents hold you close.

    Your first steps, 

    When you can wander around alone.

    Your first words, 

  • Aging

    When I was four I wished for five, 

    When I’d be in Kindergarten

    When I was five I wished that preschool would come back again

    Again at six I wished to age

    At seven I wished the same
