The Sorrow
The sorrow I know
Is like no other.
It is too deep
Too raw
Too real.
And as I stand here
Within its everlasting clutches
I find little bursts of hope.
And these little burst of light
a good day
fun and silly
almost happy
then the whispers
I laugh and run
with gay abandon
chasing dreams
My Right To Live
Author's (long) Note:
Why is it that when you have a disability, that's all people see?
Kids my age:
Mourning Autumn
Her hair,
Long and brown,
With that hint of red.
Her eyes,
Blue and bright,
With that touch of green.
Her style,
Bubbly and pink,
With all that glitter.
This is the Autumn -
My (Third) Name In a Nutshell
Kind, but scared
Overprotective, but with good intentions
Voluntarily facing danger
Every moment, in pain
Haiku: Summer Flowers
Dark clouds let loose rain
Falling on summer flowers
Which blossom come light
Why I hate school :)
I have this teacher...
This teacher is rude and sexist
They get mad if you don't know the answer to something that they haven't explained yet...
They never get mad at certain students, they have favorites...
I don't want to be a survivor, I don't want to be brave
I don't want to be stronger, I don't want to be saved
I don't want to be tested to see if I'll do it right
Slaughter Day — Nov. 6
I didn’t get out of bed this morning for twenty minutes
Lying in the dark in hopeful ignorance
Then I see my mother in the hall and I’m six years old again —
She has bad news —
A Collection of Short Poems
I Wish You Never Hurt Me
When we first met
I had no idea
You would become so important to me
Yet now I find myself
Wishing we never met
Now I’m forced to remember you
Bigger Windows
Collect the raindrops left scattered on the ground, cut the dying trees before they die. Live with your hands until you die in your mind.